Cold War in Asia

Chinese Civil War, 1945-9

Guomindang (GMD)

National People's Party

Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek)

Chinese Communist Party

*Mao Zedong

Factors explaining communist victory

GMD ineptitude


Communist strengths

Mass nationalism
Strict discipline
Economic policies favor poor


Superpower Policies toward Chinese Civil War

Soviet Policy

Occupation of Manchuria, 1945
Recognition of GMD, 1946

US Policy

*General George C. Marshall

Special Envoy to China, 1946
Secretary of State, 1947-49

Moderate financial support
No US troops

Cold War comes to Asia, 1950

"Loss of China"

Wars in Korea and Vietnam

Internal sources of tensions


Nation building

External sources of tensions

U. S.-Soviet rivalry

*Korean War, 1950-53

Seesaw conflict

Truce, 1953


Colonial background

French Colonial Rule, 1862-1941, 1945-54

Japanese colonial rule, 1941-45

Independence and Partition, 1954

North Vietnam

*Ho Chi Minh, 1892 -1969

Resisted Japanese, 1941-5

Resisted French, 1946-54

Mass nationalism

Economic policies favor poor (land)

South Vietnam


Associated with French then Americans


Economic polices favor rich

*Vietnam War, 1959-75

Vietminh (Vietcong) rebellion in South Vietnam

Trained and supplied by N. Vietnam

Aid from China and Soviet Union

U.S. aid to S. Vietnam, 1961-73

600 military advisers, 1961

16,000 troops,1963

70,000 troops, 1965

500,000 troops, 1969

Video: Guerrilla Wars

Based on the video, what are some of the reasons why the U.S. and South Vietnam could not win the war?

Was this a war of communism versus democracy?

Reasons for US defeat

Limits of U.S.'s Cold War perspective

Ignored internal situation of Vietnam

Ignored parallels with China

Vietminh soldiers more motivated than U.S. and S. Vietnamese troops

Jungle terrain neutralized US technology

Lack of public support in U.S.

TV exposed war's flaws

Study Questions

Lecture and Hansen 874-80, 895-7

1. Why did decolonization trigger civil wars in Korea and Vietnam? How did the civil wars become entangled conflicts between the U.S. and Soviet Union during the Cold War?

2. Compare and contrast the reasons for communist victories in China and Vietnam. How and why did the US policies toward the Chinese and Vietnamese civil wars differ?

3. Why did the United States lose the Vietnamese War?

Study Questions-Reading

Human Record, pp. 419-20, 445-447

1. What is Nguyen Thai Hoc's view of French colonial rule in Vietnam?
2. Why did French rule of Vietnam encouraged Nguyen to become a nationalist demanding independence?